Happy New Year! I am looking forward to sharing an exciting 2014 with you and experiencing things I’ve never experienced before. Thank you for joining me on my journey. I started to stay at home this new years but decided to get dress and hangout in downtown LA. I had a couple of outfits designated for this occasion (A brown leather dress or a a jean bustier dress with beige tulle for the skirt half) Didn’t end up wearing either. I decided on a black lace top with black fur that I wore for new years over 10 years ago for a new years party at Raleigh studios in Hollywood and a black tulle with a tutu from Halloween that I wore under it to fluff it out. I loved my outfit and it was fun getting dress. These veils are available in my online store. So me and my girlfriend Fatima walked to LA live and hung out there for a few and went to Lucky Strikes because they always have a free new years party. It was a little early, the DJ was spinning and a few people were setting up their bottle service tables and bowling. We decided to head over to the Bunker Hill bar & Grill to grab something to eat. They had a DJ and a nice crowd of people so we stayed there and brought in the new year. It was $10 and they give you free champagne for the midnight toast. I love their crispy garlic brussel sprouts. After midnight we went to my girlfriends’ Nikki’s house. She had family and friends over. She has this awesome loft downtown. We laughed, shared our goals for 2014 and took a bunch of pictures. I met the Rapper YoYo (google her) at Nikki’s house that night. She was real cool and we talked about working together on a photo project this year. So that was my new years and this is what I wore. I started a tradition to do a new years shoot every year with my new years outfit but I didn’t do one last year (so much for the tradition) But here a shot of my new years outfit the year before taken by my girlfriend Angi